13th IAASS Conference

13th IAASS Conference:
Building a Safe, Secure and Sustainable Space

The 13th IAASS Conference is an invitation to reflect and exchange information on a number of space safety, security, and sustainability topics of national and international interest. The conference is also a forum to nurture mutual understanding, trust, and the widest possible international cooperation in the peaceful, responsible, and shared use of space. The once exclusive “club” of nations with autonomous space access capabilities is becoming crowded with a growing and diverse number of players. Commercial spaceports are an ever-growing reality. In the human spaceflight arena, a commercial market has become a reality with government and private use of commercial services for cargo and crew transportation to orbit and beyond. Space bound systems and aviation traffic are more and more sharing a crowded airspace, while aviation is increasingly relying on space-based safety-critical services. 

12th IAASS Conference:
Managing Space Travel Safer

The 12th IAASS Conference “Managing Risk in Space” is an invitation to reflect and exchange information on a number of topics in space safety and sustainability of national and international interest. The conference is also a forum to promote mutual understanding, trust, and the widest possible international cooperation in such matters. Awareness is increasing internationally that space is a mankind asset and that we all have the duty of making it safe by cooperating on establishing international space safety standards.”

11th IAASS Conference:
Managing Risk in Space

The 11th IAASS Conference “Managing Risk in Space” is an invitation to reflect and exchange information on a number of topics in space safety and sustainability of national and international interest. The conference is also a forum to promote mutual understanding, trust, and the widest possible international cooperation in such matters. Awareness is increasing internationally that space is a mankind asset and that we all have the duty of making it safe.

10th IAASS Conference:
Making Safety Happen

The 10th IAASS Conference “Making Safety Happen” is an invitation to reflect and exchange information on a number of topics in space safety and sustainability of national and international interest. The conference is also a forum to promote mutual understanding, trust, and the widest possible international cooperation in such matters. Awareness is increasing internationally that space is a mankind asset and that we all have the duty of making it safe.

9th IAASS Conference:
Know Safety, No Pain

The 9th IAASS Conference “Know Safety, No Pain” is an invitation to reflect and exchange information on a number of topics in space safety and sustainability of national and international interest. The conference is also a forum to promote mutual understanding, trust, and the widest possible international cooperation in such matters. The once exclusive “club” of nations with autonomous sub-orbital and orbital space access capabilities is becoming crowded with fresh, and ambitious new entrants. New commercial spaceports are starting operations and others are being built.

8th IAASS Conference:
Safety First, Safety for All

The 8th IAASS Conference, “Safety First, Safety for All” is a forum for international exchange of research information in the field of space safety. Number and kind of space objects, and variety of space missions will increase substantially in the coming years and decades with commercial space playing a major role. Awareness is increasing that without international cooperation to organize space, and industry taking a leading role to lower the safety risk of space mission, future generations may be unable to expand and fully exploit the huge benefits of space.

7th IAASS Conference:
Space Safety is No Accident

The 7th IAASS Conference, “Space Safety is No Accident” is a forum to promote mutual understanding, trust, and the widest possible international exchange of research information in the field of space safety. The once exclusive “club” of nations with space access capabilities is becoming crowded with fresh and ambitious new entrants. Awareness is increasing that without proactive and courageous international cooperation and initiatives to organize space, and innovative research to lower the safety risk of space missions, we may negate access and use of space to future generations.

SP-715 6th IAASS Conference:
Safety is Not an Option

The sixth IAASS Conference “Safety is Not an Option” organized in cooperation with the International Space Safety Foundation is an invitation to reflect and exchange information on a number of topics in space safety and sustainability of national and international interest. The conference is also a forum to promote mutual understanding, trust, and the widest possible international cooperation in such matters. The once exclusive “club” of nations with autonomous space access capability is becoming crowded with new and ambitious entrants. Commercial spaceports are being built and are becoming operational.
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SP-699 5th IAASS Conference:
A Safer Space for a Safer World

The fifth IAASS Conference “A Safer Space for a Safer World” is an invitation to reflect and exchange information on a number of topics in space safety and sustainability of national and international interest. The conference is also a forum to promote mutual understanding, trust, and the widest possible international cooperation in such matters. The once exclusive “club” of nations with autonomous sub-orbital and orbital space access capabilities is becoming crowded with fresh, and ambitious new entrants. Commercial spaceports are being planned and built, while some of the old ones are changing hands from government to private and commercial management.
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SP-680 4th IAASS Conference:
Making Safety Matter

The fourth IAASS Conference “Making Safety Matter” invites to reflect and exchange information on a number of topics in space safety and to promote mutual understanding, trust, as well as the widest possible international cooperation in such matters. Commercial spaceports are being planned and built, while some of the old ones are changing hands from government to private and commercial management.Commercial and governamental demands for space cargo transportation to orbit combined with increasing air traffic, will require further considerations from technical and regulatory perspectives. without proactive and courageous initiativeswe risk to negate access and use of space to future generations.
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SP-662 3rd IAASS Conference:
Building a Safer Space Together

The 3rd IAASS Conference ‘Building a Safer Space Together’ focus on a number of emerging topics in space safety. In the manned spaceflight a commercial market may start finally to emerge with a spaceflight and governement demand for pirvate cargo transportation services to orbit. International Space Cooperation, both civil and commercial is also gaining momentum. Robotic space cooperation may accellerate together with the need to internationnally better regulate the necessary usage of nuclear power sources. Space Bound Systems and Aviation traffic will share more and more a crowded space abd rely on critical services based in near space.
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SP-645 2nd IAASS Conference:
Space Safety in a Global World

The 2nd IAASS Conference ‘Space Safety in a Global World’ is a intenational forum where informatons and reflections about space safety are exchanged, with particular regards to private and commercial new entrants. Emerging space tourism and governement demands will foster private cargo trasportation services to orbit. The man who may land on Mars a couple of decades from now, will probably carry one single international flag. Most nations own nowadays some space asset, mainly satellites of various kinds and pourpose. Space is a mankind asset and we all have the duty of caring for it. Space debris pollution , should no longer be left to the voluntary choice of the operators.
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SP-599 1st IAASS Conference:
Space Safety a New Beginning

The 1st IAASS Conference ‘Space Safety, a new beginning’ was sponsored by ESA. Significative events deserved particular attention and exchange of information: a series of accidents (soyuz M-1, Shuttle-Columbia, Brazilian VLS-1 V03 Disaster, rocket explosion a ISRO Processing Facility) together with the publication of CAIB Report , first Chinese Human Spacelfight and the start of space tourism. The conference offered gathered together professional and researchers to reflect about innovation in space safety ad related fields. It covered a wide rance of topics, from Space Transportation Safety to Launch Range Safety and Space Safety Regulations.
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“In times of change,
learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”

Eric Hoffer