Florian Bittner
Membership Committee
Florian Bittner joined IAASS in 2005, and he is currently chair of the membership committee. Florian studied Mathematics in Frankfurt and Munich. He worked for a small software house serving Kayser-Threde (now OHB) beginning 1982, since 1988 he worked directly at Kayser-Threde on several projects requiring high speed data acquisition systems like rocket test beds and other realtime computer projects. In 2005 he joined the human space flight division at Astrium in Bremen (now Airbus DS). He worked on avionics systems for the Columbus laboratory, ISS experiments, ATV and other projects requiring software and electronics. Recently he is involved in the propulsion drive electronics (PDE) for the Orions European Service Module (ESM). This device operates the valves and thrusters of the ESM and is commanded by a NASA computer in the Orion capsule to safely carry astronauts to the moon and beyond. Florian is married and has a daughter. He is member of the Airbus flying club and strives to be up in the air as much as possible.