Isabelle Rongier
IAASS Emeritus President since October 2017
Since September 2015, Isabelle Rongier is General Inspector as Deputy of ArianeGroup Chief Technical Officer, in charge of Technical Authority to secure major technical decisions in the Company, for all the Space and Defence Programmes. This covers a strong technical support to the Programmes during development phases and anomalies in production phase, as well as a validation of the technical choices with assessment of the relevant risks and opportunities. At last, General Inspector implements the Flight Readiness Review or major tests process, adapted to the company’s responsibilities.
She’s also in charge of transversal activities such as pyrotechnic inspection, ground and flight safety conformity, expertise career path, technical standardization, knowledge management and product cybersecurity. Ground and Flight Safety covers main key domains addressed by IAASS: public safety at launch and reentry, ground personal safety, environment protection and space traffic control. She and her experts’ team are deeply involved in major conferences in order to foster Experts discussions at international level.
Before, she worked 27 years in the French Space Agency, among which 20 years in Launchers, from System Department related to flight control activities till Technical Deputy Director of Launcher Directorate, including Safety aspects. She has worked on all launchers operated from the European spaceport in French Guyana: Ariane 4 and 5, VEGA and Soyuz. From 2010 to 2015, she was member of the CNES Executive Committee as Director of General Inspection and Quality, in charge of internal audit and risk assessment at Agency level, and responsible for certifying technical conformity to the French Space Operation Act before each space operation.
Always passionate by Launch and Reentry Safety aspects, she was the Chair of the IAASS Technical committee dealing with these topics from 2010 to 2013, became President of IAASS in October 2013 and is now Emeritus President since October 2017.