Since its inception the IAASS has identified in the lack of an international organization for space governance the main obstacle to the safe and sustainable development of civil and commercial space operations. The key issue is the reluctance of some countries, based on long and wellestablished policies, to accept supranational laws. For such reason the IAASS proposed the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) as a suitable model of an organization which is international, authoritative, but not supranational. The international space community has attempted to achieve international space governance through non-binding instruments, which may take about up to 10 years to establish and are to some extent already obsolete by the time they are agreed. Another avenue that has been tried is to use international standardization bodies like ISO to establish safety standards, although the ISO mandate is to promote international commerce through uniform industrial standards, not to forge safety policies. In any case, both attempts have failed until now for lack of enforcement. In conclusion, for space governance, we need an organization: a) for managing the establishment of policies, and their evolution; b) that supports the sharing of data and collaboration between contracting states; and c) that supports and monitors the enforcement of agreed rules.


“Upcoming Workshop in conjunction with the 13th IAASS Conference, October 2024 (TBC)”


Chair Prof. Liu Hao
Beijing Institute of Technology

Co-Chair Prof. Andrea Harrington
IASL McGill University
